Frequently Asked Questions
What is the price for Personal Training?
One-to-One Personal Training rates:
SGD1890 for 10 x 1-hour sessions and SGD3690 for 20 x 1-hour sessions.
If you’d like to train with a partner, it is SGD20 more per session.
Two-to-One Personal Training is at SGD2090 for 10 x 1-hour sessions and SGD4090 for 20 x 1-hour sessions.
What happens after I sign up?
Upon completion of your first workout, we’ll schedule the subsequent session and your coach will begin writing your programming for the upcoming sessions.
What is included?
- One-to-one coaching on every workout, every lift and every set
- Custom-designed programming and nutritional guidelines to get you to your personal goals
- Access to a Starting Strength Coach to answer all your training questions
I’ve never touched a barbell in my life. I'm older and have injuries (back/knee/hip/shoulder/elbows problems etc). Can I train and is it safe?
I’ve been sedentary all my life and worried that I am not strong enough to do the barbell lifts.
What is the minimum age requirement?
If there’s anything you’d like to clarify, please contact us here.
What do I need to wear/bring?
If you’ve already been training before joining us, do bring along all the gear that you usually use while training e.g belt, sleeves, wraps etc. Please bring along a hand towel to wipe down the equipment before and after use.
What are your opening hours?
I’d wish to try a session before deciding. Do you provide free trials?
If you’d like to try out a session and have a feel for how we teach the barbell lifts, we do offer paid trials. Contact us to find out more.