in a Small Group Setting

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the price for Semi-Private Coaching Classes?
Semi-Private Coaching Classes are at SGD580 per month for 8 x 1.5-hour sessions.
If you’d like to attend more than eight Semi-Private Coaching Classes per month, you can add on single sessions at SGD72.50 per session.
How do I join the Semi-Private Coaching Class?
Attending the Intro to Barbells Class is required before joining our Semi-Private Coaching Class. During the intro class, you’ll learn the basics of the barbell lifts according to the Starting Strength method. Sign up here. After registration and payment of the Intro Class, you’ll receive a detailed questionnaire.
Upon completion of the Intro Class, you’ll receive an email to your registered email address with a link to sign up for our Semi-Private Coaching Class.
What is the price for the Intro Class?
The intro class is a 1 hour, 1 to 1 private session at SGD200. During the intro class, you’ll learn the basics of the barbell lifts according to the Starting Strength method. Sign up here.
Sign up for the Semi-Private Coaching Class within a week of attending the Intro Class and you’ll receive SGD100 off your first month.
Can I do the Intro Class with my training buddy?
Yes, we do offer 2 person Intro Classes with a top up of just SGD50. The 2 person intro class will be SGD250. Sign up here. After signing up, please contact us to let us know that you’ll be doing the Intro Class with your training buddy.
Sign up for the Semi-Private Coaching Class within a week of attending the Intro Class and you’ll both receive SGD50 off your first month.
What happens after I sign up?
What is included?
- Individualised coaching on every workout from your last warm-up through all your working sets.
- Custom-designed programming and nutritional guidelines to get you to your personal goals.
- Access to a Starting Strength Coach to answer all your training questions.
- The camaraderie of training with like-minded people.
What is the class size?
The lifter-to-coach ratio will be capped at 5:1.
The lifter to coach ratio is intentionally kept low so that you’ll still receive individualised attention during your sessions.
How does the Semi-Private Coaching Class work? Does everyone do the same program? I’ve never trained with barbells before.
You will have your own platform, rack and barbell. During the session, you’ll be coached from your last warm-up set through all your work sets. If you’re a new lifter, you will also be coached on all your warm-up sets as well. When you’re resting between sets, your coach will move on to the next lifter and so on till he rounds back to you.
I’ve never touched a barbell in my life. I'm older and have injuries (back/knee/hip/shoulder/elbows problems etc), can I train and is it safe?
I’ve been sedentary all my life. I'm worried that I am not strong enough to do the barbell lifts.
What is the minimum age requirement?
If there’s anything you’d like to clarify, please contact us here.
What do I need to wear/bring?
If you’ve already been training before joining us, do bring along all the gear that you usually use while training e.g belt, sleeves, wraps etc. Please bring along a hand towel to wipe down the equipment before and after use.